Do you want to embark on a career in accounting? To do so, all you have to do is join DSCG! By passing your Bac+5 diploma, you will make your professional ambitions come true! To help you make your dreams come true, we tell you everything about the DSCG exam. That way, you’ll be ready on D-day!
What is a DSCG ?
Before continuing with the definition of the DSCG, it is important to define what a DCG is, isn’t it? It is the first level of training in the field of public accounting. This course of study at Bac + 3 level gives you access to the DSCG! But, what is it? The DSCG, which stands for Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion (Higher Diploma in Accounting and Management), is a training program designed for students who want to become chartered accountants, notaries or auditors. The Bac + 5 level gives you all the keys to a career in the exciting and rewarding field of accounting.
What are the registration procedures for the DSCG?
Are you going to take the DSCG exam? Before presenting its content and procedures, let us explain how to register for it. Whether you go to an accounting school to prepare for the DSCG in Paris, Toulouse or Bordeaux, the criteria are the same! If you have a DCG degree, a Master 2 or an engineering degree, you can take the DSCG exam.
Regarding the registration for the DSCG exam, you should know that the fees are fixed except for scholarship holders and pupils of the Nation where the exam is free. It costs 30 euros per test, which makes a total of 210 euros, or 240 euros if you wish to take an option.

How does the DSCG exam work?
Now that you know everything about the prerequisites and registration procedures for the DSCG exam, let us introduce you to its content:
UE | Épreuve | Crédits ECTS et coefficients | Durée | Type d’exercices |
UE 1 | GESTION JURIDIQUE FISCALE ET SOCIALE | 20 crédits – coefficient de 1,5 | 4 heures | Épreuve écrite = cas pratique + questions |
UE 2 | FINANCE | 15 crédits – coefficient de 1 | 3 heures | Épreuve écrite = cas pratique + questions |
UE 3 | MANAGEMENT ET CONTRÔLE DE GESTION | 20 crédits – coefficient de 1,5 | 4 heures | Épreuve écrite = cas pratique + questions |
UE 4 | COMPTABILITÉ ET AUDIT | 20 crédits – coefficient de 1,5 | 4 heures | Épreuve écrite = cas pratique + questions |
UE 5 | MANAGEMENT DES SYSTÈMES D’INFORMATION | 15 crédits – coefficient de 1 | 3 heures | Épreuve écrite = cas pratique + questions |
UE 6 | ANGLAIS DES AFFAIRES | 15 crédits – coefficient de 1 | 1 heure | Épreuve orale = étude de document + exposé en français et en anglais |
UE 7 | MÉMOIRE PROFESSIONNEL | 15 crédits – coefficient de 1 | 1 heure | Épreuve orale = soutenance de mémoire |
UE 8 (facultatif) | LANGUE | 0 crédit – coefficient de 1 | 3 heures | Épreuve écrite = compréhension + traduction + rédaction |
A table is much clearer than long sentences, isn’t it?
The advice to follow: the multiple tests of the DSCG are all demanding. They therefore require impeccable organization! To do this, be meticulous and rigorous. Also remember to keep up with current events. And above all, stick to your revision schedule!